The Challanges Of Da`Wah By 25 Rasul (Soft Cover)
The Challenges of Da'wah by 25 Rasul, written by Ustaz Mohamed Sabir bin Jamaludin is meaningful and useful. The source for every rasul that was based on the al-Quran and avoid the stories of the Rasuls from being mixed with the extreme version of Israelites narratives, makes this book convincing. At the same time, this book is easy to read and understand because the author had chosen the style of writing that is suitable for everyone
One of the uniqueness of this book is that its explanation is simple, concise and easy to understand. Other than that, the data presented in this book is convincing because its reference is the al-Quran. Therefore, it is suitable for readers to learn of the challenges of da'wah by the 25 Rasul as found in the al-Quran.
✔ Baki 96 naskhah lagi! (21.02.25)
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